For more than two decades, piezo technology has been instrumental in the proliferation of solid state electronics. Traditionally, nearly all low and high-end AM / FM commercial radios use piezo band-pass filters. However, applications are also found in cordless telephones, cellular systems, 2-way communications, and the television industry. As a world leader in the development of piezo technology, Token Electronics has developed specialized piezo materials which when combined with an advance design have resulted in a complete line of practical, low-cost ceramic filters for entertainment and communications applications.
Token ceramic filters for communication LTM 455/450 U/W series are miniaturized versions of the Murata CFU/CFWS lines and compatible with Murata CFUM/WM 455/450. These compact, highly selective characteristics are recommended for use in applications ranging from two-way radio to auxiliary filters in high class transceivers. These ultra-miniature versions consume approximately 40% less volume while still offering the same high performance filter characteristics.
Features :
- Center frequency: 455kHz (450kHz is also available)
- Input / output impedance: 1000Ω ~ 2000Ω
- Insertion loss (dB) max: 4db, 6db
- Pass band ripple (dB) max: 2db
- Two-way radios
- Auxiliary filters in high class transceivers
Technical characteristics:
Part number | Center frequency (fo)[kHz] | Insertion loss [dB] max | 6dB band width [kHz] min | Input / Output impedance [Ω] |
LTM455AU / LTM455AW | 455±2.0 | 4 | ±17.5 | 1000 |
LTM455BU/ LTM455BW | 455±2.0 | 4 | ±15.0 | 1500 |
LTM455CU / LTM455CW | 455±2.0 | 4 | ±12.5 | 1500 |
LTM455DU / LTM455DW | 455±1.5 | 4 | ±10.0 | 1500 |
LTM455EU /LTM455EW | 455±1.5 | 6 | ±7.5 | 1500 |
LTM455FU /LTM455FW | 455±1.5 | 6 | ±6.0 | 2000 |
LTM455GU /LTM455GW | 455±1.5 | 6 | ±4.5 | 2000 |
LTM455HU /LTM455HW | 455±1.0 | 6 | ±3.0 | 2000 |
LTM455IU / LTM455IW | 455±1.0 | 6 | ±2.0 | 2000 |
LTM455HTU / LM455HTW | 455±1.0 | 6 | ±3.0 | 2000 |
- LTM 455 EU : 6.5 x 6.5 x 6.2 mm
- LTM 455 EW : 6.5 x 9.5 x 6.2 mm
Token ceramic filters are made in Asia. High quality products, they will match your application needs.