For more than two decades, piezo technology has been instrumental in the proliferation of solid state electronics. Traditionally, nearly all low and high-end AM / FM commercial radios use piezo band-pass filters. However, applications are also found in cordless telephones, cellular systems, 2-way communications, and the television industry. As a world leader in the development of piezo technology, Token Electronics has developed specialized piezo materials which when combined with an advance design have resulted in a complete line of practical, low-cost ceramic filters for entertainment and communications applications.
Token's ceramic AM/FM filter (LTCA/CV10.7M) has been reduced in size, thickness and surface-mount chip configuration for use across the entire chip circuit. The LTCA/CV10.7M series for FM-receivers are monolithic type ceramic filters which utilize the thickness expander mode of the piezoelectric ceramic. Piezoelectric element is connected in the sandwich shape by heat resistant substrate, thus it has excellent mechanical strength, and it is suitable for automatic mounting.
Features :
- Dimensions : 7.0±0.3 x 3.0±0.3 mm
- Low profile : 1.5±0.2 mm
- Insertion loss max. from 3.0 dB ~ 10 dB
- Spurious attenuation (9~12 MHz) min(dB) 30 db ~ 35 db
- Input/Output impedance: 330Ω
- Various bandwidths according to the desired selectivity
Applications :
- Small, thin radios, automotive radios
- Headphone stereos
Technical characteristics:
Part number | Insertion loss [dB] max | 3dB band width [kHz] | Spurious Attenuation (9-12MHz) [dB]min |
LTCA10.7MJ | 10.0 | 150±40 | 30 |
LTCV10.7MJ | 5.5±2.0 | 150±40 | 35 |
LTCA10.7MA5 | 6.0 | 280±50 | 30 |
LTCV10.7MA5 | 3.0±2.0 | 280±50 | 35 |
LTCA10.7MS2 | 6.0 | 230±50 | 30 |
LTCV10.7MS2 | 3.5±2.0 | 230±50 | 35 |
LTCA10.7MS3 | 6.0 | 180±40 | 30 |
LTCV10.7MS3 | 4.0±2.0 | 180±40 | 35 |
Token ceramic filters are made in Asia. High quality products, they will match your application needs.